Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go.

Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor
Men, all the niggas don dey find you because that nigga wey you peff Oh boy e don puff. Come on lets go. - Goya Menor

Altre frasi di Goya Menor

Ameno, oma nare imperavi ameno. Dimere, dimere, mantiro Mantire mo, ameno. - Goya Menor
Okay, okay ha! This ... Go school go school, you go dey press tools and na the parameters you wan dey too. - Goya Menor